Dot-Auto Coming to a Land Rover Repair Shop Website Near You

Your Land Rover repair shop’s website is perhaps one of the strongest marketing tools (aside from word of mouth marketing) you use to garner clients who have not heard about your business.

Many Land Rover shop owner’s are unaware that soon they will be able to purchase specific domain extensions for their website that is more specific than the usual dot-com or dot-net extensions.

These new domain extensions, including .auto, .repair and more, can help your Land Rover service center improve branding and target your reach better.

How to obtain a new web address with a new domain extension:

First things first, you need to buy a domain for your website. If you already have a website, you likely purchased the domain address from a registrar, like GoDaddy or eNom. You’ll need to do the same to acquire a more specific domain extension for your Land Rover repair shop’s website.

Domain searching can be tricky though. One registrar may charge you more than another for the same domain name. Do your research and choose wisely. Some domain registrars like are letting you pre-reserve your domain extensions before they hit the open marketplace, which is expected to be by the end of 2013.

After you purchase your domain, you’ll need to host it somewhere, either with your registrar or another Web-hosting source like, HostGator, or your webmaster may provide this service already. You can even redirect the new domain directly to your existing website.

Which specific domains may be helpful for your Land Rover repair shop website:

Adding a more specific domain extension has the potential to give your Land Rover repair shop better search engine placement results, and more clearly develop your online reputation.

Such domain extensions as .auto, .autos, .repair, .shop, .car, .cars and .luxury may enable more specific website visibility, thus resulting in more clients to your shop.

Some city name extensions will also be available, but are limited to larger touristy areas, like Miami, NYC, Boston and Las Vegas.

For example, if your luxury Land Rover repair shop in Miami wants to build a better brand and target potential customers, you can opt for a .miami, .auto, or .luxury domain extension. It’s a good option for those shop owners who want that quintessential .com extension, but is not available because another shop with a similar name is already using it.

Do be careful with trademark infringement, especially using automaker trademarks when choosing a new domain extension. A domain that uses their trademarks could create legal risks.

If your Land Rover service shop is looking to expand its clientele and website presence through online marketing, then adding a domain extension may be a good idea. Not only will it enhance your brand and target your reach, but it also has the potential to help you rank higher within the search engines.

Search for a local, independent Land Rover repair shop with Land Rover mechanics that have dealer-level expertise at a fraction of the expense.